Copper(Ⅱ) sulfate, CAS 7758-98-7

Copper(Ⅱ) sulfate, CAS 7758-98-7
100 g

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Product Description: Copper(Ⅱ) sulfate (Cupric sulfate) is a biochemical reagent that can be used as a biological material or organic compound for life science related research[1].

Formula: CuO4S

References: [1]Bergmeyer H U, et al. Biochemical reagents[M]//Methods of Enzymatic Analysis. Academic Press, 1965: 967-1037.

CAS Number: 7758-98-7

Molecular Weight: 159.61

Compound Purity: 99.0

Research Area: Others

Solubility: 10 mM in DMSO

Target: Biochemical Assay Reagents
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer MEXHY-Y1878-100G
Hersteller MedChemExpress
Hersteller Artikelnummer HY-Y1878-100G
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 100 g
Mengeneinheit STK
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