Dibutyryl-cAMP, CAS 16980-89-5

Activates PKA
100 mg
Stressmarq Biosciences

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Product Type: Activator

CAS No.: 16980-89-5

MolecularFormula: C18H23N5O8P • Na

Molecular Weight: 491,4

Source: Synthetic

Purity: ≥97% (HPLC); NMR (Conforms)

Solubility: May be dissolved in DMSO (50 mg/ml); water (50 mg/ml)

Appearance: White to off-white powder

PubChem CID: 23663967

Scientific Background: Cell-permeable cAMP analog which mimics the effect of endogenous cAMP when applied to cells (1). Activates PKA (2,3). Induces morphological differentiation of astrocytes (4). Promotes differentiation of dopaminergic neurons from hPSCs (in cocktails with other agents) (5).

References: 1.M Bartsch et al. Biol. Chem. 2003 384:13212.ML Carranza et al. J. Physiol. 1998 15:5113.YJ Hei et al. Mol. Pharmacol. 1991 39:2334.M Imamura et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1998 95:61395.N Xia et al. Sci. Rep. 2016 6:20270

Field of Use: Not for use in humans. Not for use in diagnostics or therapeutics. For in vitro research use only.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer STRSIH-632-100MG
Hersteller Stressmarq Biosciences
Hersteller Artikelnummer SIH-632-100MG
Verpackungseinheit 100 mg
Mengeneinheit STK
Produktinformation (PDF)