L-Ergothioneine, CAS 497-30-3

Neuronal protective
20 mg
Stressmarq Biosciences

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Product Type: Neuronal Protective

CAS No.: 497-30-3

MolecularFormula: C9H15N3O2S

Molecular Weight: 229,3

Source: Synthetic

Purity: >98% (HPLC); NMR (Conforms)

Solubility: May be dissolved in water (50 mg/ml)

Appearance: White to off-white powder

PubChem CID: 5351619

Scientific Background: Naturally occurring ubiquitous antioxidant which is found in many cells at concentrations up to 2 mM (1). Rescues PC12 cells from -amyloid-induced apoptotic cell death (2). Protects against cisplatin-induced neuronal injury and enhances cognition in a mouse model (3). Interferes with endothelial cell senescence (4).

References: 1. IK Cheah and B Halliwell Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2012 1822:7842. JH Jang et al. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2004 36:2883. TY Song et al. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2010 48:34924. N D’Onofrio et al. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2016 96:211

Field of Use: Not for use in humans. Not for use in diagnostics or therapeutics. For in vitro research use only.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer STRSIH-634-20MG
Hersteller Stressmarq Biosciences
Hersteller Artikelnummer SIH-634-20MG
Verpackungseinheit 20 mg
Mengeneinheit STK
Produktinformation (PDF)