Clone Number: BS14
Immunogen: Unknown or proprietery to MONOSAN and/or its suppliers
Concentration: n/a
Storage buffer: TRIS with 0.03% sodium azide, pH7,2
Additional info: Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule (EpCAM) is a 40 kDa cell surface antigen and this protein is expressed in almost all epithelial cell membranes but not on mesodermal or neural cell membranes. EpCAM is a Type 1 transmembrane glycoprotein and it is expressed on the basolateral membrane of cells by the majority of epithelial tissues, with the exception of adult squamous epithelium and some specific epithelial cell types including hepatocytes and gastric epithelial cells. EpCAM expression has been reported to be a possible marker of early malignancy, with expression being increased in tumor cells, and de novo expression being seen in dysplastic squamous epithelium. This cell surface, glycosylated 40kD protein is highly expressed in the bone marrow, colon, lung, and most normal epithelial cells and is expressed on carcinomas of gastrointestinal origin.