Clone Number: NKI/C3
Immunogen: Unknown or proprietery to MONOSAN and/or its suppliers
Concentration: n/a
Storage buffer: 50 mM PBS at pH 7.4 with 1% BSA and 15mM sodium azide
Additional info: This antibody recognizes a heterogeneous 25-110 kD glycoprotein that is located mainly in the inner side of membranes of cytoplasmic vesicles in melanoma cells. The antigen has a 25 kD unglycosylated precursor in formalin fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections. Cross reactivity: The antibody reacts with some mucus producing tumors, carcinoids, carcinomas of the thyroid, mast cells, histiocytes in tumor regions and with cells with secretory functions such as salivary glands, bronchial glands, sweat glands, pancreas and prostate. The antibody should be used on formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections, it is not advisable to use the antibody on frozen sections.
References: MacKie, R.M., et al., J. Clin. Pathol. 37, 367 (1984)/van Duinen, S.G., et al., Cancer 53, 1566 (1984)/Vennegoor, C., et al., Int. J. Cancer 35, 287 (1985)