Clone Number: MRQ-8
Immunogen: Unknown or proprietery to MONOSAN and/or its suppliers
Concentration: n/a
Storage buffer: Tris Buffer, pH 7.3-7.7, containing 1% BSA and <0.1% Sodium Azide
Additional info: The antibody labels a 50kDa, multiple myeloma oncogen-1 (MUM1) protein. MUM1 is encoded by theMUM1/IRF-4 gene, which is mapped to 6q23-25 and identified as a myeloma-associated oncogene. It isa member of the interferon regulatory factor family of transcription factors and plays an important rolein the regulation of gene expression in response to signaling by interferon and other cytokines. MUM1positive cells express the protein in the nucleus in a diffuse and microgranular pattern. However, somepositivity is also observed in the cytoplasm of MUM1-expressing cells. In normal/reactive lymphoidtissues, such as lymph node, this antibody stains plasma cells, some B-cells in the light zone ofgerminal centers, and a subset of T-cells (T-cells in germinal centers and interfollicular areas). MUM1expression has been described in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). MON 3318 can stain other Bcell lymphomas such as lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, follicularlymphoma, marginal zone lymphoma, lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia, primary effusion lymphoma,DLBCL, Burkitt-like lymphoma, and classical Hodgkin lymphoma.
References: Falini B, et al. Blood. 2000; 95:2084-92/Grossman A, et al. Genomics. 1996; 37:229-33/Neresh KN. Haematologica. 2007; 92:267-8