Clone Number: BE10
Immunogen: Purified vitronectin from human plasma
Concentration: 100 ug/ ml
Storage buffer: PBS with 1% BSA & 0.1% sodium azide
Additional info: Vitronectin, also known as serum spreading factor, S-protein and epibolin, is a glycoprotein present both in human plasma and serum. Vitronectin has been shown to modulate blood coagulation and complement-induced cytolysis. It is also variably present in diverse loose connective tissues, often in co-localization elastic fibrils.
References: Li et al. J Rheumatol 2000;27:724-734/Ljungberg et al. Virchows Arch 1996;428-333-346/Niemi et al. Arch Dermatol 1993;129:757-762