Pre-plated Diversity Sets

Pre-plated Diversity Sets
250 μL
TargetMol Chemicals

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Description: Key features:The mean Tanimoto value of the 50k Diversity Set PS8 is 0.898, with even lower values in the subsets (calculated with ECFP fingerprints)No compound overlap with the previous edition (PS8 does not overlap with P7)Lipinski Rule of Five and Veber criteria-compliant compounds were selectedReagents, reactive or unstable molecules were excludedPAINS filter families A, B, and C were appliedLilly MedChem Rules compliance is guaranteed
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer TGMLF1000-250uL
Hersteller TargetMol Chemicals
Hersteller Artikelnummer LF1000-250uL
Verpackungseinheit 250 μL
Mengeneinheit STK
Produktinformation (PDF)