Background: Collagen type III is synthesized as a homo-trimeric pro-collagen comprising three identical pro-alpha(III)-chains. It has been reported that procollagen type III is processed extracellularly at the ECM and can be found by immunostaining intracellular as well as extracellular. Collagens consist of a family of highly specialized glycoproteins of which at least 16 genetically distinct types are known to date. The basal unit of a collagen molecule consists of a triple-helical structure formed by 3 alpha-chains. Predominant amino acids are glycine, proline and hydroxproline. Regularly also lysines and hydroxylysines occur, which are responsible for cross-linkage and glycosylation of the protein chains. Different composition of alpha-chains and different glycosylation contribute to the high variability of collagens in different tissues and organs. Human and bovine procollagen type III (PIIIP) 100%; human and bovine procollagen type and collagen type I <0.1% in RIA at 1:200 dilution..
Positive Control: Human or bovine skin and liver
Immunogen: Procollagen type III deprived of the C-terminal PIIICP peptide
Purification Method: affinity purified antibody lyophilized from phosphate buffered solution; no BSA and preservative added!
Concentration: app. 1 mg/ml
References: 1. Desmoulière A., Darby I., Monte Alto Costa A., Raccurt M., Tuchweber B., Sommer P., Gabbiani G. (1997) Extracellular Matrix Deposition, lysyl oxidase expression, and myofibroblastic differentiation during the initial stages of cholestatic fibrosis in the rat. Lab. Invest. 76, 765-778. 2. Gindre D., Peyrol S., Raccurt M., Sommer P., Loire. R., Grimaud J.A., Cordier J.F. (1995) Fibrosing vasculitis in Wegener's granulomatosis: ultrastructural and immunohistochemical analysis of the vascular lesions. Virchows Arch. 427, 385-393. 3. Trinchet J.C., Hartmann D.J., Pateron D., Munz-Gotheil C., Callard P., Ville G., Beaugrand M. (1992) Serum type I collagen and N-terminal peptide of type III procollagen in patients with alcoholic liver disease: relationship to liver histology. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 16, 342-346.
UniProt: P02461 (CO3A1_HUMAN)
Caution: *These antibodies are intended for in vitro research use only. They must not be used for clinical diagnostics and not for in vivo experiments in humans or animals.