Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (121 amino acids), mouse recombinant (rmVEGF-121)

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (121 amino acids), mouse recombinant (rmVEGF-121)
2 µg

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Kategorie: Cytokines

Formulation: lyophilized

Storage: -20°C

Description: Growth factor active in angiogenesis, vasculogenesis and endothelial cell growth. Induces endothelial cell proliferation, promotes cell migration, inhibits apoptosis and induces permeabilization of blood vessels. Binds to the FLT1/VEGFR1 and KDR/VEGFR2 receptors, heparan sulfate and heparin. May play a role in increasing vascular permeability during lactation, when increased transport of molecules from the blood is required for efficient milk protein synthesis (By similarity). ( Produced in E.coli as a homodimer, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 121 amino acids. Recombinant mouse VEGF-121 is a truncated version of murine VEGF-165.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer BOL97216.2
Hersteller Biomol
Hersteller Artikelnummer 97216.2
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 2 µg
Mengeneinheit STK
Reaktivität Mouse (Murine)
Wirt Escherichia Coli
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