Ancient Chinese Classical Formulas Compound Library

Ancient Chinese Classical Formulas Compound Library
30 μL
TargetMol Chemicals

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Description: - A collection of 1463 compounds derived from traditional medicinal formulas, serving as a powerful tool in drug development, pharmacological research, and more.- Sources include over 130 traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, such as ginseng, astragalus, angelica, dendrobium, eucommia, and cornelian cherry.- Encompasses diverse structures and various categories such as flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenes, glycosides.- HNMR/HPLC validated to ensure high quality.- All compounds are available in stock for fast delivery.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer TGML6830-30uL
Hersteller TargetMol Chemicals
Hersteller Artikelnummer L6830-30uL
Verpackungseinheit 30 μL
Mengeneinheit STK
Produktinformation (PDF)