CBL-B, GST-Tag (Human) Recombinant

CBL-B, GST-Tag (Human) Recombinant
100 µg
BPS Bioscience

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Encompassing Amino Acids: 39 - 426

Applications: Useful for the study of enzyme kinetics and regulation, to dephosphorylate target substrates and for screening inhibitors.

Description: Human Casitas B-lineage lymphoma proto-oncogene b (CBL-B), also known as E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL-B, RING finger protein 56, and SH3-binding protein CBL-B with Y363F mutation GenBank Accession No. NM_017934, a.a. 39 - 426 with N-terminal GST-Tag expressed in an E. coli expression system. MW=72 kDa.

Format: Aqueous buffer solution

Formulation: 40 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 120 mM NaCl, 20% glycerol.

Genbank: NM_170662

Storage Stability: At least 6 months at -80°C. Avoid freeze/thaw cycles. Storing diluted enzyme is not recommended, if necessary, use carrier protein (BSA 0.1 - 0.5%).

Tags: N-terminal GST-Tag

Uniprot: Q13191

Warnings: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.

Biosafety Level: Not applicable (BSL-1)

References: 1.Jeon, M.S., et al., Immunity. 2004; 21(2): 167-177.2.Chiang, Y.J. et al., Nature. 2000; 403: 216-220.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer BPS80415
Hersteller BPS Bioscience
Hersteller Artikelnummer 80415
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 100 µg
Mengeneinheit STK
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