CELLDATA DNAstorm™ 2.0 MagBead FFPE DNA Extraction Kit, 96 preps

CELLDATA DNAstorm™ 2.0 MagBead FFPE DNA Extraction Kit, 96 preps
96 preps

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Description: DNAstorm™ 2.0 extraction kit enhances the removal of formaldehyde-induced damage from FFPE tissue samples and provides DNA with high yield and quality, better integrity, ideal for next generation sequencing. Magnetic bead-based for high throughput isolation, 96 preps per kit.

Product Origin: Animal; Synthetic - Ribonuclease A from bovine pancreas (cow; Bos taurus); Proteinase from Yeast (Pichia pastoris)

Product applications: Isolation of DNA from FFPE Tissue Samples; High throughput 96-well isolations

Product features: High quality DNA isolated, suitable for NGS and qPCR; magnetic bead-based kit for high throughput 96-well format.
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Artikelnummer BTMCD509-96
Hersteller Biotium
Hersteller Artikelnummer CD509-96
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 96 preps
Mengeneinheit PAK
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