Complement TCC, ELISA

Complement TCC, ELISA
96 Wells
Svar Life Science / Eurodiagnostica

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The Complement TCC is a flexible and easy to use immunoassay for determination of the terminal complement complex (TCC, also known as sC5b-9) in human plasma. The assay can be used in all situations where determination of complement activity is wanted. Complement TCC is an excellent marker for complement studies in basic and translational research, clinical study of treatment, safety studies of medical devices and drugs. TCC is also well suited for studies of complement activation in drug development and medical devices, i.e. biological safety testing and part of the recommended tests for assessing complement activation according to ISO standard 10993-4 for hemocompatibility testing.
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Hersteller Svar Life Science / Eurodiagnostica
Hersteller Artikelnummer COMPLTCCRUO
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 96 Wells
Mengeneinheit PAK
Specimen Plasma
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