FlashGel DNA QuantLadd 100-1500bp 250uL

FlashGel QuantLadder, 100 bp (3 ng) – 1.5 kb (30 ng)
250 µl

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The FlashGel Quantladder, 100 bp (3 ng) - 1.5 kb (30 ng) is a ready-to-use DNA marker that provides quantity estimation as well as size estimation. The FlashGel Quantladder, 100 bp (3 ng) - 1.5 kb (30 ng) is designed to work well with FlashGel DNA Cassettes. Simply load samples, watch bands migrate and get data in as little as 2 minutes. Say goodbye to gel preparation, band excision, purification, and UV light. Complete separation, recovery and documentation safely, at the bench, in minutes.
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Artikelnummer LON50475
Hersteller Lonza
Hersteller Artikelnummer 50475
Verpackungseinheit 250 µl
Mengeneinheit STK
Produktart Gel
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