FlashGel RNA Marker 0.5 kb - 9 kb

FlashGel RNA Marker
500 mL

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The FlashGel RNA Marker is optimized for use with FlashGel RNA Cassettes and contains 6 bands ranging from 0.5 kb to 9 kb. FlashGel RNA Marker works well for both single and double tier FlashGel RNA Cassettes. The FlashGel System for RNA is optimized for the unique requirements of RNA, and is a fast and sensitive tool for analysis of sample integrity. The system is recommended for verification and analysis of total RNA, quick checks of native RNA and checking RNA degradation and mRNA purity. Separation is complete in < 8 minutes and RNA samples are ready for imaging within 10-20 minutes. RNA <10 ng per band are clearly detected, conserving precious RNA samples. FlashGel RNA Cassettes fully enclose the gel, stain and running buffer, protecting samples from contaminating RNases. FlashGel RNA Cassettes are designed for performance and purity, and are guaranteed RNase free.
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Artikelnummer LON50577
Hersteller Lonza
Hersteller Artikelnummer 50577
Verpackungseinheit 500 mL
Mengeneinheit STK
Produktart Gel
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