Dact2 Blocking peptide (N terminal region)

Dact2 Blocking peptide (N terminal region)
Aviva Systems Biology

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Description of Target: Involved in regulation of intracellular signaling pathways during development. Negatively regulates the Nodal signaling pathway, possibly by promoting the lysosomal degradation of Nodal receptors, such as TGFBR1. May be involved in control of the morphogenetic behavior of kidney ureteric bud cells by keeping cells epithelial and restraining their mesenchymal character. May play an inhibitory role in the re-epithelialization of skin wounds by attenuating TGF-beta signaling.

Product Format: Lyophilized powder

Protein Size: 757
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer AVIAAP92926-100
Hersteller Aviva Systems Biology
Hersteller Artikelnummer AAP92926-100UG
Verpackungseinheit 100µg
Mengeneinheit STK
Methode Western Blotting
Human Gene ID 240025
Produktinformation (PDF)