DiBAC4(5), CAS 63560-89-4

DiBAC4(5), CAS 63560-89-4
10 mg

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Product Description: DiBaC4(5) is a fluorescent voltage-sensitive dye that can be used to monitor the transmembrane potentials when Papain-dissociated retinal cells from adult zebrafish were exposed to GABAergic ligands. DiBaC4(5) is a potential-sensitive fluorescence dye[1].

Formula: C29H42N4O6

References: [1]Ralph Nelson, et al. Transporter-mediated GABA responses in horizontal and bipolar cells of zebrafish retina. Vis Neurosci. Mar-Apr 2008;25(2):155-65.

CAS Number: 63560-89-4

Molecular Weight: 542.67

Compound Purity: 96.72

Research Area: Neurological Disease

Solubility: 10 mM in DMSO

Target: Fluorescent Dye
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer MEXHY-D1092-10
Hersteller MedChemExpress
Hersteller Artikelnummer HY-D1092-10
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 10 mg
Mengeneinheit STK
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