Description: Dextran sulfate sodium salt (MW 4500-5500) is an anhydrous glucose polymer with a molecular weight range of 4500-5500. Dextran sulfate sodium salt (MW 4500-5500) inhibits human immunodeficiency virus replication by preventing viral adsorption to host cells. Dextran sulfate sodium salt (MW 4500-5500) is a commonly used modeling compound for inflammatory bowel disease. It can destroy the integrity of the intestinal mucosal barrier through the high negative charge caused by sulfate groups, leading to intestinal barrier damage, macrophage dysfunction, and bacterial flora disorder.
CAS Number: 9011-18-1
Formula: (C6H7Na3O14S3)n
References: Baba M, et al. Mechanism of inhibitory effect of dextran sulfate and heparin on replication of human immunodeficiency virus in vitro. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1988 Aug;85(16):6132-6.