Pembrolizumab, CAS 1374853-91-4

Pembrolizumab, CAS 1374853-91-4
1 mg
TargetMol Chemicals

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Description: Pembrolizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody inhibiting the PD-1 receptor and the first in the class of agents called the HER2 dimerization inhibitors that impairs the ability of HER2 to bind to other members of the HER family.

CAS Number: 1374853-91-4

Molecular Weight: 149 kDa

References: Khoja L, et al. Pembrolizumab. J Immunother Cancer. 2015 Aug 18;3:36.
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Artikelnummer TGMT9908-1mg
Hersteller TargetMol Chemicals
Hersteller Artikelnummer T9908-1mg
Verpackungseinheit 1 mg
Mengeneinheit STK
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