Streptavidin (PE)

Streptavidin (PE)
500 μl

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Product Description: Streptavidin is a 55 kDa (subunit MW 14 kDa) biotin-binding protein isolated from Streptomyces avidini. Streptavidin is superior to avidin, because it does not contain carbohydrate like avidin and has no net charge at neutral pH. Streptavidin~biotin system is routinely used in Immunohistochemistry (IHC). Extinction Coefficient 1% A280=32.0. Protein content: > 95%; Phycoethyrin (R-PE) is a 240 kDa phycobilliprotein found in red, macrophytic algae (seaweed). R-PE can be used with Fluorescein (FITC) for double labeling in flow cytometry using argon laser, since both R-PE and FITC can be excited at 488 nm, and R-PE fluoresces at a longer wavelength (580 nm) than FITC (520 nm). Phycoethyrin: R-PE purified from Poryhyra tenera; A565/A280 >5.0; A 1% 565 nm=82; Amax = 490, 545 and 566 nm; E max = 580 nm.

Application Note: ICC/IF: 1:50-1:200. FACS: 1:100-1:500. *Optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the researcher.Not tested in other applications.

Form: Liquid

Buffer (with preservative): 10mM Phosphate, 150mM NaCl, 1% BSA, 0.05% Sodium azide.


Background: Streptavidin is a 55 kDa (subunit MW 14 kDa) biotin-binding protein isolated from Streptomyces avidini. Streptavidin is superior to avidin, because it does not contain carbohydrate like avidin and has no net charge at neutral pH. Streptavidin~biotin system is routinely used in Immunohistochemistry (IHC). Extinction Coefficient 1% A280=32.0. Purity: > 99% pure by HPLC; Eletrophoretically homogenous, single band. Protein content: > 95%; Activity 14.8 units/ mg, one unit bunds 1.0 microgram of d-biotin; Protease activity: 0.000018 units/mg; Isoelectric point: 7.0 +/- determined by Isoelectric focusing. Phycoethyrin (R-PE) is a 240 kDa phycobilliprotein found in red, macrophytic algae (seaweed). R-PE can be used with Fluorescein (FITC) for double labeling in flow cytometry using argon laser, since both R-PE and FITC can be excited at 488 nm, and R-PE fluoresces at a longer wavelength (580 nm) than FITC (520 nm). Phycoethyrin: R-PE purified from Poryhyra tenera; A565/A280 >5.0; A 1% 565 nm=82; Amax = 490, 545 and 566 nm; E max = 580 nm.

Conjugation: PE
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer GTX85910-500
Hersteller GeneTex
Hersteller Artikelnummer GTX85910-500
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 500 μl
Mengeneinheit STK
Methode Immunofluorescence, Flow Cytometry, Immunocytochemistry
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