Product Description: Alkaline Phosphatase chromogen BCIP/NBT (ready-to-use)
Application Note: See ProtocolBCIP/NBT system is based on hydrolysis of BCIP and reduction of NBT producing a deep purple reaction product. Reaction is several times more sensitive than existing products with little or no background staining. The reaction product is extremely stable and does not fade when exposed to light.
Form: Liquid
Background: Alkaline Phosphatase based immunostaining systems are gaining wide acceptance among pathologists because of their relatively high signal to noise ratio. 5-bromo,4-chloro,3-indolylphosphate (BCIP)/nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) substrate for alkaline phosphatase-based detection systems, is a commonly used substrate chromogen. BCIP acts as the substrate for alkaline phosphatase, and the NBT enhances the purplish-brown final color of the precipitates at the reaction sites.