M.O.M.® (Mouse on Mouse) Blocking Reagent

M.O.M.® (Mouse on Mouse) Blocking Reagent
1 ml
Vector Laboratories

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Mouse on Mouse (M.O.M.™) Biotinylated Anti-Mouse Ig Reagent is a specially modified secondary antibody that has been optimized specifically for use with the Vector® M.O.M.™ Immunodetection Kit components. This reagent is supplied as 0.1 ml stock solution sufficient to make 25 ml of working solution.
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Artikelnummer VECMKB-2213
Hersteller Vector Laboratories
Hersteller Artikelnummer MKB-2213-1
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 1 ml
Mengeneinheit PAK
Methode Immunofluorescence, Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry
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