Methylene Blue counterstain

Methylene Blue counterstain
50 ml

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Product Description: Methylene Blue Counterstain


Background: This Methylene Blue is a light blue counterstain designed for counterstaining immunohistochemistry chromogens like DAB (GTX28196). This is an alternative counterstain that can be used in place of hematoxylin. It is an excellent counterstain for use with immunogold staining. Specimens counterstained with Methylene Blue can be dehydrated and mounted with organic solvents-based plastic polymers such as Clarion (Cat. No. GTX73339, GTX73340) or Permount. This counterstain is not compatible with aqueous mounting media. Methylene Blue Counterstain is not compatible with Crystal/Mount, Gel/Mount or other aqueous mounting media.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer GTX73307-50
Hersteller GeneTex
Hersteller Artikelnummer GTX73307-50
Verpackungseinheit 50 ml
Mengeneinheit STK
Methode Immunohistochemistry
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