THUNDER TR-FRET Acceptor-labeled Anti-Mouse IgG

THUNDER TR-FRET Acceptor-labeled Anti-Mouse IgG
1000 Points

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Description: THUNDER TR-FRET Toolbox reagents are designed for setting up homogeneous (no-wash) time-resolved Förster resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assays using Europium chelate (FR) as the donor fluorophore and a small far-red dye (FR) as the acceptor fluorophore. The Acceptor-labeled anti-Mouse IgG can be used as a secondary antibody for capturing mouse IgG antibodies in THUNDER TR-FRET assays.

Assay Type: Homogeneous (no-wash) assay.

Assay Format: Low-volume 384-well plate.

Detection method: TR-FRET.

Volume: 400 µL.

Reactivity: Mouse IgG.

Label or Dye: Far-red (FR).

Format: Liquid.

Regulatory status: RUO
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer BIXFRMIGG-1000
Hersteller BioAuxilium
Hersteller Artikelnummer FRMIGG-1000
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 1000 Points
Mengeneinheit PAK
Klonalität Polyclonal
Methode TR-FRET Assay
Wirt Goat
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