Gel-Bright™ Laser Diode Gel Illuminator

Gel-Bright™ Laser Diode Gel Illuminator
1 ST

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Description: Gel-Bright™ Laser Diode Gel Illuminator is Biotium's next-generation gel illuminator for visualing gels without harmful UV rays. Unlike blue LED illumination, the laser diodes work well with either red or green fluorescent DNA gel stains like GelRed®, GelGreen®, and others.

Product Origin: Synthetic

Product applications: Gel imaging

Product features: Works well with both red and green DNA gel stainsNo harmful UV rays to damage eyes, skin, or DNA samplesHandy and portable for cutting out DNA bandsCost-effective alternative to gel imaging systems
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Artikelnummer BTME90005
Hersteller Biotium
Hersteller Artikelnummer E90005
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 1 ST
Mengeneinheit STK
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