HLA-A/B/C Knockout Electroporation Kit

HLA-A/B/C Knockout Electroporation Kit
1 Kit
BPS Bioscience

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Application: Knockout of HLA-A/B/C in cells of interest

Background: HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigens)-A, B, and C, are the three major types of MHC (major histocompatibility complex) class 1 transmembrane proteins. They form a heterodimer with the β2 microglobulin protein (encoded by the B2M gene). The MHC class 1 molecules present short polypeptides, usually between 7-11 amino acids long, to the immune system for recognition as either €œself€ or €œnon-self€. HLA-C, for instance, is present in all cells and exists as several haplotypes due to the diversity of HLA-C genes. C*08:02 represents one such haplotype. HLA class I present neoantigen-derived peptides to the cell surface, allowing them to be recognized by T cells, via TCR (T cell receptors). Cancer immunotherapy has been taking advantage of that mechanism, by engineering T cells to express TCRs able to recognize specific cancer immunogens. In 2016 the use of HLA-C*08:02-restricted TIL (tumor infiltrating lymphocytes)  specifically targeting KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma virus) G12D mutation in lung cancer resulted in positive results. A similar approach was pursued in a patient with metastatic pancreatic cancer and resulted in regression of the disease. The study of HLA-C*08:02-restricted TIL expressing TCR against other neoantigens may prove beneficial in cancer therapy. K562 cells are HLA class I and II negative, making them an ideal cellular model to introduce and study specific haplotype responses. HLA mismatching between donor cells and the individual can lead to immune rejection, and one option is the knockout the endogenous HLA, allowing cells to be more widely universally used.

Description: The HLA-A/B/C Knockout Electroporation Kit is suitable for cell line and primary T cell engineering via electroporation. The kit contains both the Cas9 enzyme (Streptococcus pyogenes) and the gRNA targeting HLA-A/B/C (Human Leukocyte Antigens). This kit is sufficient to engineer up to 5 million primary T cells.

Storage Stability: Components are shipped in dry ice and stored at -20°C  for long term storage. The components maintain their stability and performance after 5 freeze-thaw cycles.

Uniprot: P04439, P01889, P10321

Biosafety Level: BSL-1

References: Leidner R., et al., 2022 N Engl J Med 386:2112-2119.
Tran E., et al., 2016 N Eng J Med 375:2255-2262.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer BPS82395
Hersteller BPS Bioscience
Hersteller Artikelnummer 82395
Verpackungseinheit 1 Kit
Mengeneinheit PAK
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