Produktinformation: Human Platelet Lysate, Fibrinogen-depleted, GMP grade is a cell culture supplement derived from humanplatelets collected from healthy donors at licensed blood centres following FDA guidelines. This HumanPlatelet Lysate is obtained from multiple donor units pooled in large batch sizes to produce a consistentproduct.Human Platelet Lysate, Fibrinogen-depleted, GMP grade is manufactured from platelet units obtained fromhealthy blood donors at FDA-licensed blood centers. Donors have been tested using FDA-licensed testsand found negative for HBsAg, Hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc), HIV antibody (anti-HIV-1/2), HepatitisC antibody (anti-HCV), HTLV-1/2 antibody (anti-HTLV-1/2), Trypanosoma cruzi antibody (anti-T. cruzi), HIV1, HCV, HBV, WNV nucleic acid testing and Syphilis microhemagglutination test.