Clone Number: C241:5:1:4
Immunogen: Human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line COLO 205.
Concentration: n/a
Storage buffer: Purified in PBS, 1% BSA and 15 mM sodium azide
Additional info: Clone C241:5:1:4 reacts specifically with Sialyl Lewisa - containing glycolipids, showing no crossreaction with Lewisa, Lewisb, or other structurally related molecules. The epitope recognized by NCL-L-CA19-9 is designated CA19-9
References: Johansson C et al. Tumour Biology. 12: 159–170 (1991)/Kuusela P et al. British Journal of Cancer. 63: 636–640 (1991)/Haglund C et al. British Journal of Cancer. 60: 845–851 (1989)