Clone Number: L26
Immunogen: Human tonsil B cells.
Concentration: Greater than or equal to 95 mg/L
Storage buffer: Tissue culture supernatant with sodium azide
Additional info: The CD20 antigen is a non-glycosylated phosphoprotein of approximately 33kD which is expressed on normal and malignant human B cells and is thought to act as a receptor during B cell activation and differentiation. CD20 antigen has been reported to be expressed on normal B cells from peripheral blood, lymph node, spleen, tonsil, bone marrow, acute leukemias and chronic lymphocytic leukemias.An intracytoplasmic epitope localised on the human CD20 molecule. Reacts predominantly with a 33 kD polypeptide, but also with a minor component of 30 kD.
References: Mason DY et al. American Journal of Pathology. 1990; 136(6):1215–1222/Cartun RW et al. American Journal of Pathology. 1987; 129(3):415–421/Norton AJ and Isaacson PG. Journal of Clinical Pathology. 1987; 40:1405–1412