Clone Number: JCB117
Immunogen: Unknown or proprietery to MONOSAN and/or its suppliers
Concentration: n/a
Storage buffer: Tris Buffer, pH 7.3-7.7, containing 1% BSA and <0.1% Sodium Azide
Additional info: The antibody is a B-cell marker that is generally used to complement CD20. This antibody will stain manyof the same lymphomas as CD20, but also is more likely to stain precursor B-lymphoid leukemias thanCD20. Anti-CD79a also stains more cases of plasma cell myeloma and occasionally some types ofendothelial cells as well. Anti-CD79a will stain many cases of acute promyelocytic leukemia (FAB-M3), butonly rarely stains other types of myeloid leukemia.
References: Mason DY, et al., Eur J Immun; 22:2753-2756 (1992)/Lin BT, Weiss LM. Hum Pathol.; 28(9):1083-90 (1997)/Pilozzi E et al. J Pathol.; 186(2):140-3 (1998)