Vector® Blue Substrate Kit, Alkaline Phosphatase (AP)

Vector® Blue Substrate Kit, Alkaline Phosphatase (AP)
1 Kit
Vector Laboratories

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Features: Greater sensitivity than conventional substrates. Consistent and reliable Ideal for IHC/ICC/ISH and blots. Fluorescent Heat Stable Permanent mounting. Ideal for single and multiple labeling. One year expiry date. Stock solutions supplied in convenient dropper bottles promoting ease of handling. No wait times for mixing and dissolving powders or tablets. Sufficient reagents to produce 200 ml of working solution. Excitation:  broad, peak at ~500 nm*. Emission:  broad, peak at ~680 nm*. *Histochem J. (1998) 8:577.
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Artikelnummer VECSK-5300
Hersteller Vector Laboratories
Hersteller Artikelnummer SK-5300
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 1 Kit
Mengeneinheit PAK
Methode Immunofluorescence, Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, ELISpot, Immunocytochemistry, In Situ Hybridization
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