Beta-G-Blocker Kit

225 flask

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Product Overview:
ß-1,3-Glucans can produce false positive results in LAL assays. Some examples of glucan sources include yeast and cellulosic materials including hemodialysis filters. Our ß-G-Blocker may be used with any of our LAL assays. Note: PYROGENT™ Gel Clot LAL products typically do not require ß-G-Blocker.
Following ICH guidelines, three lots of product were placed on real-time and accelerated stability. Aseptic media simulations were executed to qualify the change in container closure components and the automated filler.
Product in the new container has passed all stability time points required for product release. As the full stability protocol has not been completed, the expiry of the product will be reduced to 12 months. Lonza will reevaluate the product expiration as additional stability data is obtained.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer LONN190
Hersteller Lonza
Hersteller Artikelnummer N190
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 225 flask
Mengeneinheit PAK
Produktart Other Endotoxin
Produktinformation (PDF)
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