6X DNA Loading Buffer (Orange)

6X DNA Loading Buffer (Orange)
4x1500 UL

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Description: 6X DNA Loading Buffer (Orange) contains orange tracking dye that runs at 50 bp in a 1% agarose gel. Unlike blue tracking dyes, orange dye does not shadow DNA bands, and is suitable for use with DNAzure Visible Blue DNA gel stain. This loading buffer does not contain fluorescent DNA dye. 4 x 1.5mL.

Product Origin: Synthetic

Product applications: DNA gel electrophoresis

Product features: Orange tracking dye does not obscure DNA bands during gel imagingRecommended for use with DNAzure™ Blue visible gel stain
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Artikelnummer BTM99859-1
Hersteller Biotium
Hersteller Artikelnummer 99859-1
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 4x1500 UL
Mengeneinheit PAK
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