Costar® Spin-X® Centrifuge Tube Filters, 0.22µm Pore CA Membrane, Nonsterile

Costar® Spin-X® Centrifuge Tube Filters, 0.22µm Pore CA Membrane, Nonsterile
25/Pk, 100/Case

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These Costar® Spin-X® centrifuge tube filters have a 0.22 µm pore CA membrane-containing filter unit within a 500 µL capacity polypropylene microcentrifuge tube.

  • Cellulose acetate (CA) membranes provide fast flow rates and low protein binding
  • Ideal for removing bacteria, particles, or cells from liquids, HPLC sample preparation and DNA removal from agarose or acrylamide gels.
  • Nonsterile and nonpyrogenic and DNase-/RNase-free.
  • Maximum Relative Centrifugal Force is 16,000xg.
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Artikelnummer COS8161
Hersteller Corning
Hersteller Artikelnummer 8161
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 25/Pk, 100/Case
Mengeneinheit KAR
Brand Name Corning Costar
Haltbarkeit 36 Monate
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