100 mL HT (Hypoxanthine, Thymidine)

100 mL HT (Hypoxanthine, Thymidine)
100 mL

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Technical Advantage:  This product is not available from other suppliers

Hypoxanthine and Thymidine (HT) media is a "rescue media" that provides pre-formed purines and pyrimidines to overcome the effects of residual intracellular Aminopterin.

-  Complete Certificate of Analysis available for each production lot, along with full formulation information

-  Produced under the highest industry standards to ensure superior results

Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer COR25-047-CI
Hersteller Corning
Hersteller Artikelnummer 25-047-CI
Verpackungseinheit 100 mL
Mengeneinheit STK
Brand Name MediaTech
Haltbarkeit 20 Monate
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