ProVero-1 NAO Medium for Vero Cells, 1L

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ProVero 1 Serum-free Medium is a non-animal origin, protein-free medium designed to support the growth of MDCK and vero cells.
ProVero 1 Medium includes HEPES and sodium bicarbonate buffer. The absence of proteins and only very low levels of human recombinant insulin facilitate both downstream processing and regulatory compliance.
Some vero cell strains require additional supplementation with 5.0 μg/L rhEGF for optimal vero cell growth.
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Artikelnummer LONBEBP02-030Q
Hersteller Lonza
Hersteller Artikelnummer BEBP02-030Q
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 1 L
Mengeneinheit STK
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