P5 Primary Cell 384-well Kit (2 PT)

P5 Primary Cell 384-well-Nucleofector Kit (2 PT)
150 uL

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The P5 Primary Cell 384-well Nucleofector Kit is one of our five kits suited for high-throughput transfection of primary cells when working with the 384-well HT Nucleofector System.

This kit has been determined to be optimal for transfecting following cell types:
Skeletal Myoblast, hum.

The respective cell type-specific Optimized Protocols or recommendations are available under "Instructions" or in our knowledge database. In these Optimized Protocols the best Nucleofection conditions are indicated. In addition, we share our experience and knowledge for treatment of individual cell types.
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Artikelnummer LONV5SP-5002
Hersteller Lonza
Hersteller Artikelnummer V5SP-5002
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 150 uL
Mengeneinheit PAK
Produktart Nucleofection Kit
Produktinformation (PDF)
MSDS (PDF) Download