Primary Cell Optimiz. 4D X Kit (96 RCT)

Primary Cell Optimization 4D-Nucleofector X Kit
4 pieces

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The Primary Cell Optimization 4D-Nucleofector™ X Kit is the ideal tool to conveniently and rapidly determine Nucleofection conditions for primary cell types lacking an Optimized Protocol for the 4D-Nucleofector™ X Unit.
With the unique capability of the 4D-Nucleofector™ X Unit to address individual wells of a 16-well Nucleocuvette™ Strip with different programs, primary cell optimizations are easily performed within one experiment.
Complete Optimization: Using five 16-well Nucleocuvette™ Strips and our pmaxGFPTM Vector as positive control, our five Primary Cell Nucleofector™ Solutions P1 – P5 are tested in combination with a pre-selected set of programs plus controls. The remaining 16-well Nucleocuvette™ Strip can be used for optional fine tuning or performing the first experiment with the selected conditions. Cell Group-Specific Optimization using Basic Protocols: In addition to a complete optimization described above, we also provide a cell group-specific optimization protocol for some primary cell groups. Those so called Basic Protocols refer to a pre-selected set of 1 or 2 Primary Cell Nucleofector™ Solutions and Nucleofector™ Programs.

•0.675 mL Nucleofector™ Solution P1
•0.675 mL Nucleofector™ Solution P2
•0.675 mL Nucleofector™ Solution P3
•0.675 mL Nucleofector™ Solution P4
•0.675 mL Nucleofector™ Solution P5
•4 x 0.15 mL Supplement 1
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Artikelnummer LONV4XP-9096
Hersteller Lonza
Hersteller Artikelnummer V4XP-9096
Green Labware Nein
Verpackungseinheit 4 pieces
Mengeneinheit PAK
Produktart Nucleofection Kit
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