ZymoTaq™ Polymerase (200 Rxns)

Hot-start DNA polymerase for amplification of DNA (including bisulfite converted & CpG rich DNA).
200 Rxns
Zymo Research

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Description: ZymoTaq DNA Polymerase contains all the reagents needed to perform hot-start PCR. The inclusion of a heat-activated, thermostable DNA polymerase reduces primer dimer and nonspecific product formation that can occur during PCR. This unique product is specifically designed for the amplification of bisulfite-treated DNA for methylation detection, but is applicable for conventional PCR. The product generates specific amplicons with little or no by-product formation. Simple and easy to use: Heat at 95°C for 10 minutes to initiate polymerization. ZymoTaq DNA Polymerase is a heat-activated, hot start polymerase that has 3'-terminal transferase activity. The addition of A overhangs to amplified DNA makes it ideal for use in TA-cloning.
  • Hot-start DNA polymerase for robust product formation
  • Reduces non-specific PCR product formation from difficult templates (e.g., bisulfite converted DNA)
  • Compatible with real-time, quantitative PCR, and suitable for TA-cloning
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Artikelnummer ZYME2002
Hersteller Zymo Research
Hersteller Artikelnummer E2002
Verpackungseinheit 200 Rxns
Mengeneinheit STK
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