Clone Number: IP64
Immunogen: Prokaryotic recombinant protein corresponding to 126 amino acids of the Napsin A protein.
Concentration: Greater than or equal to 8.3 mg/L
Storage buffer: Tissue culture supernatant with sodium azide
Additional info: Napsin A has a specific function in normal alveolar epithelium and is proposed to play a role in the proteolytic processing of surfactant precursors. Napsin A is reported to be predominantly expressed in lamellar bodies of type II pneumocytes, secondary lysosomes of alveolar macrophages, respiratory epithelium of terminal and respiratory bronchioles, plasma cells, within a subset of lymphocytes in normal lung, as well as in epithelial cells of renal tubules in normal kidney and is weakly expressed in normal spleen. Studies have reported that Napsin A is expressed in 90% of primary lung adenocarcinomas.
References: Yamashita Y et al. Modern Pathology. 2015; 28: 111-11/Kandalaft PL et al. American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2014; 142: 830-836/Bishop JA et al. Human Pathology. 2010; 41: 20-25