NovaLisa Herpes simplex Virus 1+2 (HSV) IgM, mixed antigens, ELISA Kit

Herpes simplex Virus 1+2 (HSV) IgM, mixed antigens, ELISA Kit
Packaging Unit
96 Tests
Gold Standard Diagnostics

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The Herpesviruses occur worldwide in humans and animals with several hundred herpesviridae species. Common to all herpesviruses is a high level of generalized contamination (60-90% carriers) and the ability to persist in a latent state in the body over long periods.The Herpes-simplex-Virus (HSV) is the pathogen that causes a vesicular exanthem (fever blisters, herpes labiales or genitalis), encephalitis and a generalized infection in newborns (herpes neonatorum). They have dsDNA genomes.
More Information
Manufacturer Gold Standard Diagnostics
Manufacturer SKU HSVM0250
Green Labware No
Package Unit 96 Tests
Quantity Unit PAK
Shelf Life 18 months
Specimen Plasma, Serum
CE-IVD yes
Product information (PDF)