Immunogen: Unknown or proprietery to MONOSAN and/or its suppliers
Concentration: n/a
Storage buffer: Tris Buffer, pH 7.3-7.7, containing 1% BSA and <0.1% Sodium Azide
Additional info: Human placental lactogen (hPL), also previously known as ‘human chorionic somatomammotropin’, is a 22-kD protein with partial homology to growth hormone. hPL is first detectable in the maternal serum in the fifth week of gestation and is involved in maintaining nutritient supply to the fetus. Anti-hPL reactivity is seen in syncytiotrophoblastic cells of placenta and choriocarcinoma
References: Shih IM, et al. Am J Surg Pathol. 2004; 28:1177-83/Ulbright TM, et al. Am J Surg Pathol. 1997; 21:282-8