Rat Calvariae Osteoblasts

Rat Calvariae Osteoblasts
Packaging Unit
500.000 cells AMP

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Ready-to-use Rat Calvariae Osteoblasts are dissociated from Sprague Dawley rat embryos. These cells offer an excellent model system for the study of osteoblastic growth and mineralization and can be used in research applications for bone disease, repair and formation.
Every cell lot is tested for the ability to form mineralized nodules. Additionally, you can conveniently measure mineralization with our OsteoImage™ Mineralization Assay (PA-1503).

Proliferation: Lonza's classical DMEM (12-604F) medium and MSCGM™ SingleQuot kits (00192820)
Differentiation: Lonza's classical DMEM (12-604F) medium and rMSCTM SingleQuot kits (00192829)
More Information
Manufacturer Lonza
Manufacturer SKU R-OST-583
Package Unit 500.000 cells AMP
Quantity Unit STK
Type Cells
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