Aquabator-Clean (100x), disinfectant for cell culture water baths

Aquabator-Clean (100x), disinfectant for cell culture water baths
Packaging Unit
250 ml

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Aquabator-Clean is intended for preventing growth of bacteria and fungi in water baths. No foam is produced when using the Aquabator-Clean with circulating water baths. It is heat-stable up to 100°C. The active ingredient in Aquabator-Clean™ is safe to humans and does not cause any irritating effects to the skin when used in the recommended concentration. It is biodegradable.
More Information
SKU LUBOJ18780.0250
Manufacturer LubioScience
Manufacturer SKU OJ18780.0250
Green Labware No
Package Unit 250 ml
Quantity Unit STK
Product information (PDF)