Chemi-Verse™ PAK7 Kinase Assay Kit

Chemi-Verse™ PAK7 Kinase Assay Kit
Packaging Unit
96 reactions
BPS Bioscience

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Application: Study enzyme kinetics and screen small molecule inhibitors for drug discovery and high throughput screening (HTS) applications.

Background: PAK7 (p-12-activated kinase 7), also known as PAK5, is a member of the PAK family of serine/threonine kinases. The PAK family is highly evolutionary conserved and regulates cell survival, apoptosis, cytoskeleton dynamics, and other critical cellular functions. PAK7 belongs to group II, which can be activated by Cdc42 (cell division control protein 42) only, as opposed to group I, which depends on either Rac1 or Cdc42.I It is found mostly in the brain, where it participates in neurite outgrowth and microtubule stabilization. Deletion of PAK7 in mice results in defects in memory, learning and movement. PAK7 is regulated by Aurora kinase A, both being upregulated in esophageal squamous carcinoma. In turn, PAK7 phosphorylates proteins like synaptojanin-1, pacsin-1, GATA1 and p120-catenin. PAK7 has also been identified as a risk factor for psychosis, which may result from abnormal synapse development and plasticity. Upregulation of PAK7 has been found in several cancer types, such as gastric, breast, ovarian cancer, osteosarcoma and others, where it also contributes to cell survival and resistance to chemotherapy. The development of specific inhibitors targeting PAK7, to be used alone or in combination therapy, will greatly benefit the cancer therapy field.

Contraindications: The final concentration of DMSO in the assay should not exceed 1%.

Description: The Chemi-Verse™ PAK7 Kinase Assay Kit is designed to measure PAK7 (p21-activated kinase 7) serine/threonine kinase activity for screening and profiling applications using ADP-Glo™ as a detection reagent. The assay kit comes in a convenient 96-well format, with enough purified recombinant PAK7 kinase, kinase substrate, ATP, and kinase assay buffer for 100 enzyme reactions.

Storage Stability: This assay kit will perform optimally for up to 6 months from date of receipt when the materials are stored as directed.

Uniprot: Q9P286

Warnings: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles

Biosafety Level: Not applicable (BSL-1)

References: Wu A. and Jiang J., 2022 Leukemia 36:315-326.Morris D., et al., 2014 Hum Mol Genet 23(12):3316-3326.Gu Y.-F. and Kong L.T., 2021 Human & Experimental Toxicology 40(12): 2202-2214.
More Information
SKU BPS82183
Manufacturer BPS Bioscience
Manufacturer SKU 82183
Package Unit 96 reactions
Quantity Unit PAK
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