ABC Kits are versatile kits based on high avidin-biotin affinity, enabling reliable detection of biotinylated molecules in several applications:
ImmPRESS Polymer Kits provide an excellent level of sensitivity, low background and strong signal. These systems rely on secondary antibodies conjugated to high-density enzyme micropolymers. Polymer kits are especially recommended for multiple antigen labelling experiments or for tissues where endogenous biotin may interact with the ABC-labelling.
Our Polymer kits are compatible with convenient autostainers – see more (link to PDF)
ImmPRESS Polymer detection kits for immunohistochemistry
Mouse on mouse M.O.M.® Kits and reagents enable staining with mouse antibody on mouse tissue samples.
avidin/biotin technology (M.O.M.® Elite® ABC kit, Fluorescein kit, or Basic kit) or polymer technology (paired with our ready-to-use, non-biotin ImmPRESS™ HRP micropolymer reagent