Autoimmune Diagnostics

Autoimmune Diagnostics

An autoimmune disease is a malfunction of the immune system. The system attacks the body's own tissue or cells and can no longer distinguish between "endogenous" and "exogenous" cells.


The development of autoimmune diseases is best described as "bad luck and bad genes": environmental factors (stress, infections, hormonal changes, etc.) in combination with genetic predisposition play a major role.

Pathogens adapt to the host organism in order to be more difficult to recognize as "foreign" (molecular mimicry).

Autoreactive immune cells are activated, which fight the pathogen acutely, but also form memory cells that can trigger autoimmune diseases even years later.

Around 60 autoimmune diseases are currently known. These can either manifest themselves systemically in the entire body (e.g. joints, connective tissue, etc.), be limited to certain organs or also occur together (intermediate).


The level of the antibody titer is decisive for the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease. Most autoantibodies are physiological (e.g.: dsDNA, ANA). The sole determination of the autoantibodies for a diagnosis is not sufficient, other serological findings as well as the clinical condition of the patient should be considered.

An autoantibody is determined in a special laboratory using ELISA, immunofluorescence or Line Immuno Assays (LIA).


Depending on the manifestation, a distinction is made between...

  • Dermatological / Vesiculo bullous
  • Endocrinological
  • Gastroenterological
  • Hepatological
  • Collagen – vascular/ rheumatic
  • Neurological
  • Other

… autoimmune diseases!

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277 items

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  1. ImmcoStripe™ LIA Liver
    LIA Liver
    Price is loading...
    Sku ICO6040
    Manufact. Sku6040
    Packaging Unit20 tests
  2. ImmcoStripe™ Myositis LIA
    Myositis Line Immuno Assay (LIA)
    Price is loading...
    Sku ICO6020
    Manufact. Sku6020
    Packaging Unit20 tests
  3. ImmcoStripe™ ANA LIA
    ANA Line Immuno Assay (LIA)
    Price is loading...
    Sku ICO6010
    Manufact. Sku6010
    Packaging Unit20 tests
  4. ImmcoStripe™ Hsp-70 LIA
    Hsp-70 Line Immunoa Assay (LIA)
    Price is loading...
    Sku ICO6001
    Manufact. Sku6001
    Packaging Unit20 tests
  5. ImmuLisa™ Serum Diluent for Enhanced ELISA's
    Serum diluent for Enhanced ELISAs
    Price is loading...
    Sku ICO5308
    Manufact. Sku5308
    Packaging Unit60 mL
  6. ImmuLisa™ Serum Diluent for Cardiolipin Enhanced ELISA's
    Serum diluent for Cardiolipin Enhanced ELISAs
    Price is loading...
    Sku ICO5305
    Manufact. Sku5305
    Packaging Unit60 mL
  7. ImmuLisa™ PR3 Ab Enhanced ELISA
    IBD/UC Enhanced Proteinase 3 (PR3) Antibody Elisa
    Price is loading...
    Sku ICO5162
    Manufact. Sku5162
    Packaging Unit96 tests
  8. ImmuLisa™ MPO Ab Enhanced ELISA
    IBD/UC Enhanced Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Antibody Elisa
    Price is loading...
    Sku ICO5161
    Manufact. Sku5161
    Packaging Unit96 tests
  9. ImmuLisa™ Celiac tTG IgG Ab Enhanced ELISA
    Celiac tTG IgG ELISA
    Price is loading...
    Sku ICO5144G
    Manufact. Sku5144G
    Packaging Unit96 tests
  10. ImmuLisa™ Celiac tTG IgA Ab Enhanced ELISA
    Celiac tTG IgA ELISA
    Price is loading...
    Sku ICO5144A
    Manufact. Sku5144A
    Packaging Unit96 tests
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