

Microbiology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. Depending on the symptoms and suspected diagnosis, a variety of samples may be used for microbiological examination, including blood cultures, urine, stool, cerebrospinal fluid, skin scraping, hair, throat swab, wound swab or sputum. The methods range from nucleic acid amplification tests, ELISAs and rapid tests to indirect and direct immunofluorescence.

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166 items

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  1. Flu A/B + COVID-19 Antigen Combo Test Cassette Kit CE IVD
    Antigen-Testkit zum qualitativen Nachweis und Differenzierung von SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A und Influenza B.
    Price is loading...
    Sku MOLR218T020B0C0
    Manufact. SkuR218T020B0C0
    Packaging Unit20 Tests
  2. SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Cassette (Self-Test) CE-IVD
    SARS-CoV-2-Antigen-Testkit zum qualitativen Nachweis des Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-Antigens
    Price is loading...
    Sku MOLR220T05PB0C0
    Manufact. SkuR220T05PB0C0
    Packaging Unit5 Tests
  3. ImmunoCard STAT!® HpSA® Schnelltest
    Assay: Rapid Immunochromatographic Assay
    Price is loading...
    Sku MER750220
    Manufact. Sku750220
    Packaging Unit20 Tests
  4. TRU Legionella® Antigen-Schnelltest in Harn
    Assay: Rapid ImmunoAssay in TRU® "closed" format
    Price is loading...
    Sku MER751930
    Manufact. Sku751930
    Packaging Unit32 Tests
  5. ImmunoCard® STAT! C. difficile GDH-AB Schnelltest
    Assay: Rapid Immunochromatographic Assay
    Price is loading...
    Sku MER750520
    Manufact. Sku750520
    Packaging Unit20 Tests
  6. ImmunoCard® STAT! Rota-Adeno-Noro2 Schnelltest
    Assay: Rapid Immunochromatographic Assay
    Price is loading...
    Sku MER750320
    Manufact. Sku750320
    Packaging Unit20 Tests
  7. Premier® EHEC ELISA
    Assay: ELISA Assay in Microtiter Format
    Price is loading...
    Sku MER608096
    Manufact. Sku608096
    Packaging Unit96 Best.
  8. Premier Platinum HpSA® PLUS
    Assay: ELISA Assay in Microtiter Format
    Price is loading...
    Sku MER601396
    Manufact. Sku601396
    Packaging Unit96 Best.
  9. Savvygen™ H. pylori & Antibiotic Resistance
    Savvygen™ H. pylori & Antibiotic Resistance
    Price is loading...
    Sku SAV621-01
    Manufact. Sku621-01
    Packaging Unit96 reactions
  10. Curian® Campy
    Curian® Campy
    Price is loading...
    Sku MER760730
    Manufact. Sku760730
    Packaging Unit30 Tests
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166 items

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