
  1. New from BioTek

    New from BioTek

    800 TS Microplate Reader and 50 TS Microplate Washer

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  2. We present the new products of Corning

    We present the new products of Corning

    Corning Cell Counter, Corning Step-R™ and Syringe Tips and Corning® LSE™ Mini Microcentrifuge

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  3. Our new Supplier Immunostep

    Our new Supplier Immunostep

    Immunostep offers a broad range of flow cytometry reagents, kits and devices.
    The products are used in both research and diagnostics with appropriate CE-IVD labelling.

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  4. Synergy LX Multi-Mode Reader

    Synergy LX Multi-Mode Reader

    The Synergy ™ LX Multi-Mode Reader is a low-cost alternative to common devices in this lab equipment segment.

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  5. AllCells - cells of the highest quality for science

    AllCells - cells of the highest quality for science

    AllCells has been the leading provider of high quality human primary blood and bone marrow cells for over 21 years. In February 2019, Lonza and AllCells entered into a collaboration to manufacture and globally commercialize a broad range of hematopoietic primary cells. This partnership extends Lonza's range of hematopoietic cells and now allows choosing from a very wide range of high quality primary cells.

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  6. Alpha Synuclein and Tau Preformed Fibrils for Neurodegeneration Research

    Alpha Synuclein and Tau Preformed Fibrils for Neurodegeneration Research

    Alpha synuclein PFFs seed the formation of new fibrils from a pool of active monomers, inducing Lewy body pathology in neurons.

    New tau PFFs cause tau monomers to aggregate into neurofibrillary tangles, leading to the tau pathology seen in Alzheimer’s Disease.

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  7. Circulating Immune Complexes (CIC)

    Circulating Immune Complexes (CIC)

    The complement system is part of the innate immune system. Its main function is the detection and elimination of pathogens.
    Complement activity also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of systemic autoimmune diseases.

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  8. The Autoimmundiagnostics Portfolio of Szabo-Scandic

    The Autoimmundiagnostics Portfolio of Szabo-Scandic

    An autoimmune disease is a malfunction of the immune system. The system attacks the body's own tissue or cells and can no longer distinguish between "endogenous" and "exogenous" cells. Chronic inflammation, as well as reactive tissue regeneration are the result. The most severe damage can lead to life-threatening conditions in the worst case.

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  9. Hepatocytes - new at Lonza

    Hepatocytes - new at Lonza

    With the acquisition of Triangle Research Labs, our supplier Lonza expanded their already broad range of cells to include hepatocytes.

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  10. 3D Cell Culture – The Future of Science

    3D Cell Culture – The Future of Science

    For many decades, mammalian cells have been an indispensable part of cell biology and are cultivated in 2D cell cultures, but no in vivo-like conditions could be created with them. The organism is a three-dimensional system and therefore the 3D cell culture comes closest to it.

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